A technical inspection by Perfectkeur.

Technical Inspection

€ 495,-

We have a lot of foreign customers moving into the Netherlands. To give these customers the service they need, we have developed an English technical inspection report.

In most cases we also provide an inspector with a good knowledge of the English language, so that you can easily communicate and ask questions during the inspection of your property.

  • Experienced
  • Certified
  • Reliable

Technical Inspection

Our service

More about a technical inspection

Clear and transparent

Meets all certificates

The report more than meets the requirements set for the National Mortgage Guarantee (NHG) and NWWI. The report is written clearly and in understandable language and contains many photos.

  • Nationale Hypotheek Garantie (NHG)
  • Stichting Waarborgfonds Eigen Woningen
  • All AFM financial institutions
  • Nederlands Woning Waarde Instituut (NWWI)
Talk to us

Contact our Service Center

It is easy to request a technical inspection (also known as architectural inspection) online of by phone. That is non-binding (free cancelation until 48 hours before the planned inspection).

If you book online, we will contact you by phone to make an appointment for the inspection. After the inspection, you will receive the report by e-mail within 24 to 48 hours.

Book online

Or call us on 0800-0900200

Watch the video

We check more than 360 items

During a technical inspection we check more than 360 items of the property. From top to bottom, all rooms and all main installations such as central heating. A technical inspection is a visual and non-destructive inspection. If we find asbestos during the inspection, we will mention this in the report.

The report

Comprehensive and clear

Our expertise

All written down in the report

Perfectkeur is active for more than 20 years. This expertise is captured in the report.

Keep in mind that the inspection is visual. In the report we also tell you the things we could not check.

Overview of the main
items we inspect:

  • Foundation, crawlspace and the condition of floors
  • Sewer, ventilation, plumbing
  • Floors, walls, maintenance, masonry and constructional elements
  • Moisture measurement
  • Roof, tiles, gutters, zinc and chimney
  • Roofing and Roof construction
  • Facade, frames, windows, glass, doors, etc.
  • Visual review of the central heating system and its components
  • Lead water pipes
  • Visual review sanitary
  • Visual review maintenance kitchen
  • Visual review electrical system and its components

Last but not least

Good to know

Local heroes

Present in every region

We cover all regions in the Netherlands with our services. More than 60 inspectors visit every part of Holland, taking with them years of experience. They know per region which topics need extra attention.

Please read this

Optional costs

The price for a technical inspection applies for properties with a maximum of 800m³. We charge € 45,- extra per 100 m³ above 800m³.

Please note that additional costs might be charged for the ‘Waddeneilanden’ and ‘Zeeuws-Vlaanderen’.

Book now!

A booking is non-binding


Below you will find the answer to the most asked questions

A technical inspection is much more extensive and covers all interior and exterior matters as well as costs. More measures are also mentioned, making the report more detailed.

A technical inspection (what we offer you) more than satisfies the requirements of the building survey for an appraisal. Hand over the structural inspection report to the valuer.

Asbestos is not part of a building inspection. Asbestos will, however, be reported by our inspectors if they happen to come across it in the house. However, the presence of asbestos cannot be completely ruled out through this inspection.

For houses built before 1994, you can add an extra asbestos scan to the inspection. Our inspector will then walk through the house again and examine whether asbestos-suspicious material is visible in the house.

Via an asbestos inventory, you can have asbestos-suspicious material examined by a laboratory.